Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst - PRE TECHNO SECURITY

Date: 31 May - 04 Jun 2023 Days: Wed-Sun Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Course type: Instructor Led
Location: Wilmington, NC, United States
Enroll by: 31 May 2023
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About this course


This offering of our new CCPA 5-day course will be held at Techno 2023!

Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA) is an advanced level certification program designed for technically aware investigators, digital evidence analysts and forensic practitioners. CCPA focuses on post-extraction analysis and advanced search techniques using Physical Analyzer and does not involve the extraction of data from devices. Participants will learn how Physical Analyzer is used to recover deleted data, explore database contents, complete advanced searches, analyze data, verify and validate findings, and create reports. Participants will achieve the CCPA certification upon passing a knowledge test and practical skills assessment with a score of 80% or better.

Cost: $4,250 USD

Please use the "enroll via sales team" button to secure your seat! 

You can also email training@cellebrite.com for more information.

Learning objectives

Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst 

Upon successful completion of this class, the student will be able to:

  • Conduct advanced mobile device forensic analysis using the UFED Physical Analyzer software. 
  • Recall techniques used for authentication and validation of data parsed and collected as evidence. 
  • Identify functions within Physical Analyzer software which allow examination of various types of data. 
  • Recognize Physical Analyzer’s capabilities to generate custom reports in an organized manner.
  • Demonstrate proficiency of the above learning objectives by passing a knowledge test and practical skills assessment with a score or 80% or better.

Class details

Wilmington Convention Center

10 Convention Center Drive (Meeting Room #104)

Wilmington, NC 28401