Cellebrite Advanced Video Analysis - Live Online (UK)

Date: 21 - 25 Feb 2022 Days: Mon-Fri Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (timezone Europe/London)
Course type: Live Online
Region: Europe, Middle-East and Africa
Location: Live online
Capacity:Few seats left
Enroll by: 21 Feb 2022
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About this course

Cellebrite Advanced Video Analysis (CAVA) is a five (5) day advanced course designed to serve as the next step for students who have successfully completed any of Cellebrite’s courses, a vendor-specific training offering in multimedia forensics, or students new to multimedia forensics who are seeking to dive right into processing a complex case. The course covers evidence handling, complex work flows around codec management within virtual machines, comparative analysis files retrieved from multiple locations, troubleshooting problematic file types, as well as the creation of demonstrative exhibits and testimonial preparation for the eventual testimonial experience.

The curriculum is presented with strong emphasis on the workflow required to process this unique type of evidence within the justice context. Beginning with the end in mind, each example is presented, and students work from the standpoint of an eventual testimonial experience. Thus, the workflow serves to both build the experience (and memory reinforcement) of performing the actions of analysis whilst preparing the student to eventually present the work to the trier of fact. 

The course materials, sample working files, and helper software will be provided via shared drive in the classroom. Students are encouraged to bring their own samples / examples to see the demonstrated products and workflows in action on familiar content.

Download course information here: Cellebrite Advanced Video Analysis

Learning objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand video standards, frame rates and aspect ratios.
  • Recognize compression, codecs, file formats and containers
  • Understand Digital Video Recording devices and technology
  • Demonstrate Best practices and methods of video extraction
  • Accurately document video extractions
  • Demonstrate the hands-on use of DVE Examiner and iNPUT-ACE